Our beliefs
As an evangelical church, we delight in the five fundamental Reformation declarations:
“Scripture alone”
The Bible is our final highest authority. It is sufficient for all matters in life.
“Faith alone”
We are saved and brought into relationship with God by faith in Jesus alone. Good deeds are not required for our salvation.
“Grace alone”
God saved us by grace alone; He loved us even though we didn’t deserve it.
“Christ alone”
The work of Christ, and Christ alone, in His life, death and resurrection is the basis on which the ungodly are justified in God’s sight and brought into right relationship with Him.
“Glory to God alone”
God deserves all the glory because He has done everything necessary in Jesus, to rescue sinful man, and bring us to live with Him forever. So all the praise and glory must go to Him.
We also joyfully accept the doctrinal basis of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches – PDF